The Fast TRACK Study

The Fast TRACK Study

Is Your Knee Injury Keeping You Down?

Introducing the FastTRACK Study – a one-step procedure for treating articular cartilage injury of the knee. To see if you may qualify for this breakthrough study, visit and talk to Dr. Eifler today.


Dealing with a knee injury is no walk in the park.

A morning bike ride, an afternoon round of golf, an evening stroll. Have you been forced to avoid any of these simple pleasures because of a knee injury? As an active person, it’s tough to accept being sidelined because of pain. If you’ve been diagnosed with articular cartilage injury of the knee, you probably know this all too well.

Articular cartilage injury causes a specific kind of knee pain. The ends of the three bones in the knee joint are covered with what is known as articular cartilage – a tough, elastic material that helps absorb shock and allows the knee joint to move smoothly. For many people, time and activity can cause wear and tear on the cartilage, creating lesions, which can throw off the intricate design of the joint.

If this happens, the joint can become inflamed and painful. If the lesion is large enough, the bone underneath the cartilage loses protection. Pressure and strain on this unprotected portion of the bone then becomes a source of pain in and around the knee. Patients with this injury often experience pain and swelling of the knee joint, locking of the knees, and dull pain around or under the kneecap when taking the stairs or walking up or down hills.
If you’re suffering from articular cartilage injury of the knee, we invite you to learn more about the FastTRACK Study.

The FastTRACK Study.

We invite those 18 to 60 years old with articular cartilage injury of the knee to see if they may qualify for the FDA Clinical Trial – Hyalofast Trial for Repair of Articular Cartilage in the Knee .

The purpose of this clinical research study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of a one-step procedure to help treat knee cartilage damage in comparison to a commonly performed surgical procedure for cartilage repair called microfracture. The one step procedure utilizes your bone marrow stem cells to treat the cartilage damage.

The investigational procedure is not approved for use in the United States. However, it has been approved and used in Europe since 2009. Dr. Eifler is the Principal Investigator in Arizona and one of 13 US sites chosen to participate in the FDA Clinical Trial, along with the Kerlan- Jobe Clinic, Ohio State University, NY Presbyterian Hospital, and Wake Forest University.

Visit to learn more.

A website has been created to provide more information about the study. The site can help determine if you may qualify to take part in the study and includes information on what to expect if enrolled. If you know someone who suffers from articular cartilage injury of the knee, we encourage you to pass this information along and direct him or her to the study website.

To see if you qualify, talk to Dr. Eifler today!